
「电子书」The Laboratory Rat (Handbook of Experimental Animals) 实验鼠(实验动物手册) PDF


这套参考丛书将为所有使用实验动物的研究人员提供有关各种物种的全面实用信息。这套丛书中的每一本书都专门讨论一个特定的物种,并将所有可用的数据汇集到一个 "一站式 "的、易于获取的来源中。每本书都有类似的格式,有关于可用品系、其饲养和特殊饮食的章节。还包括大体解剖学、内分泌学和生殖的部分,然后是更详细的神经解剖学、血管学、细胞生物学和特定器官和结构的组织学部分,以及分子生物学部分。全书包括高质量的插图,并提供了一个彩图部分。词汇表、设备供应商名单和 "快速参考部分 "是新增的功能。

快速参考部分 "汇集了文本中的所有表格,使读者能够迅速地找到数据。


* 菌种及其研究选择* 住房和维护* 病原体和疾病* 饲养和繁殖* 解剖学* 生理学

* 程序,包括实验外科* 新兴技术,包括基因工程和分子技术 主要特点* 为任何从事实验鼠工作的人提供了宝贵、全面的参考资料* 采用双色、用户友好的布局* 包括贯穿始终的高质量插图以及彩板部分* 词汇表* 文中的表格也被安排在一个快速参考部分,以方便获取数据* 设备供应商附录

This reference series will provide all researchers using laboratory animals with comprehensive practical information on the various species. Each title in the series is devoted to a particular species, and draws together all available data in a "one-stop", easily accessible source. Each has similar format, with sections on the strains available, their husbandry, and special diets. Also included are sections on gross anatomy, endocrinology, and reproduction, followed by more detailed sections on neuroanatomy, vasculature, cell biology, and histology of particular organs and structures, and a section on molecular biology. High quality illustrations are included throughout and a color plate section is provided. A glossary, list of equipment suppliers, and "Quick Reference Section" are added features. The "Quick Reference Section" brings together all tables from the text, allowing readers to find data swiftly. The first volume in The Handbook of Experimental Animals Series, The Laboratory Rat, provides researchers in academia and industry using laboratory animals with comprehensive, practical information on the species. The Laboratory Rat has been divided into eight sections dealing with:* Strains and their selection for research* Housing and maintenance* Pathogens and diseases* Breeding and reproduction* Anatomy* Physiology* Procedures, including experimental surgery* Emerging techniques, including genetic engineering and molecular technology Key Features* Provides a valuable, comprehensive reference source for anybody working with the laboratory rat* Formatted in a two-color, user-friendly layout* Includes high-quality illustrations throughout as well as a color plate section* Glossary* Tables in the text are also arranged into one Quick Reference Section for ease of access to the data* Appendix of equipment suppliers

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