
「电子书」Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research 毒理学与生物医学研究实验室大鼠的解剖学与组织学 PDF


《毒理学和生物医学研究中实验室大鼠的解剖学和组织学》详细介绍了大鼠的系统解剖学,重点关注毒理学需求。大多数涉及实验室大鼠的大型作品都有一章是关于解剖学的,但与本书的详细叙述相差甚远,本书也关注毒理学家和其他使用大鼠作为实验动物的人的需求。该书包括关于解剖方法和特定器官系统中特定组织的位置的详细指南。最重要的是,该书包括H. G. Q. Rowett小姐的经典插图,以及新的彩色显微照片。





Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Researchpresents the detailed systematic anatomy of the rat, with a focus on toxicological needs. Most large works dealing with the laboratory rat provide a chapter on anatomy, but fall far short of the detailed account in this book which also focuses on the needs of toxicologists and others who use the rat as a laboratory animal. The book includes detailed guides on dissection methods and the location of specific tissues in specific organ systems. Crucially, the book includes classic illustrations from Miss H. G. Q. Rowett, along with new color photo-micrographs.

Written by two of the top authors in their fields, this book can be used as a reference guide and teaching aid for students and researchers in toxicology. In addition, veterinary/medical students, researchers who utilize animals in biomedical research, and researchers in zoology, comparative anatomy, physiology and pharmacology will find this book to be a great resource.

Illustrated with over a hundred black and white and color images to assist understanding

Contains detailed descriptions and explanations to accompany all images helping with self-study

Designed for toxicologic research for people from diverse backgrounds including biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, immunology, and general biomedical sciences

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