
「电子书」Tutorials in Biostatistics, Statistical Methods in Clinical Studies (Volume 1) 生物统计学指南,临床研究的统计方法(第1卷) PDF


生物统计学教程已成为著名的Wiley杂志《医学统计学》(SIM)的一个非常受欢迎的特点。其介绍性的风格和实用性的重点使其能够被广大读者所接受,包括统计知识有限的医学从业人员。  本书是两卷中的第一卷,介绍了SIM中发表的最佳教程,重点介绍临床研究中的统计方法。主题包括临床试验的设计和分析、流行病学、生存分析和数据监测。每本教程都聚焦于一个医学问题,经过充分的同行评议和编辑,由生物统计学领域的领先研究者撰写。  许多文章包括一个附录,介绍该杂志发表以来的最新进展和额外的参考文献.这将吸引从事医学研究的统计学家,以及具有统计学思想的临床医生、生物学家、流行病学家和遗传学家。它还将吸引生物统计学的研究生。

The Tutorials in Biostatistics have become a very popular feature of the prestigious Wiley journal, Statistics in Medicine (SIM). The introductory style and practical focus make them accessible to a wide audience including medical practitioners with limited statistical knowledge.   This book represents the first of two volumes presenting the best tutorials published in SIM, focusing on statistical methods in clinical studies. Topics include the design and analysis of clinical trials, epidemiology, survival analysis, and data monitoring. Each tutorial is focused on a medical problem, has been fully peer-reviewed and edited, and is authored by leading researchers in biostatistics.   Many articles include an appendix on the latest developments since publication in the journal and additional references.This will appeal to statisticians working in medical research, as well as statistically-minded clinicians, biologists, epidemiologists and geneticists. It will also appeal to graduate students of biostatistics.

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