
「电子书」Human genetics: race, population, and disease 人类遗传学:种族、人口和疾病 英文原版PDF


Human genetics: race, population, and disease 人类遗传学:种族、人口和疾病 英文原版PDF

在世界各地的实验室、诊所和公司,我们对生命的理解发生了一场惊人的革命。这场革命几乎每天都会成为新闻,并极大地改变了医学的实践方式,但头条新闻往往显得神秘而可怕。今天,发现的速度之快令人眼花缭乱,连科学家--更不用说公众--都几乎跟不上。这套六卷本的 "遗传学与进化 "旨在为高中生和普通大众解释生物学研究中发生的事情,并将事情置于正确的角度。这套全新的全彩书提供了最新的研究以及了解生命各个方面的基础,突出了生物学领域的关键问题,以及如何将遗传学和进化论有力地画在一起。本套书详细介绍了这些科学如何塑造未来的科学和社会,旨在通过将科学思想和方法的历史与它们对当今研究的影响联系起来,填补一个重要的空白。本套书是对这些激动人心的科学研究领域感兴趣的高中生和大学生的理想选择。

In labs, clinics, and companies around the world, an amazing revolution in our understanding of life has taken place. This revolution makes the news nearly every day and has dramatically changed the way medicine is practiced, but the headlines often seem mysterious and scary. Today, discoveries are made at such a dizzying pace that even scientists - let alone the public - can barely keep up. The six-volume "Genetics and Evolution" set aims to explain what is happening in biological research and put things into perspective for high school students and the general public. Providing up-to-date research as well as a basis for understanding all aspects of life, this new full-color set highlights key issues in the field of biology and how genetics and evolution are drawn together in a powerful way. Providing a detailed look at how these sciences are likely to shape science and society in the future, the books in this accessible set aim to fill an important niche by connecting the history of scientific ideas and methods to their impact on today's research. This set is ideal for high school and college students interested in these exciting areas of scientific research.
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