
「电子书」Cardiovascular Physiology 心血管生理学 PDF


《心血管生理学》第九版是一种简明而愉快的方式,让你获得完整的心血管系统的基本运作原理的基本知识,以及这些原理如何应用于临床医学。本书简明而透彻,重点在于你必须了解的事实和概念,以便对心血管系统在正常和异常情况下的运作有一个坚实的 "大局观"。在提高你评估整个职业生涯中所接触到的无数新信息的能力方面,没有其他文本会比《心血管生理学》更有价值。

Cardiovascular Physiology, Ninth Edition is a concise and enjoyable way for you to gain a fundamental knowledge of the basic operating principles of the intact cardiovascular system and how those principles apply to clinical medicine. Succinct but thorough, it focuses on the facts and concepts you must know to get a solid “big picture” overview of how the cardiovascular system operates in normal and abnormal situations. No other text will prove more valuable in enhancing your ability to evaluate the myriad new information you will be exposed to throughout your career, than Cardiovascular Physiology. 

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