
「电子书」Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology 坎斯基临床眼科学 PDF


通过八个杰出的版本,Kanski的《临床眼科学》一直是经典的专业教科书,为受训者提供了完美的眼科学基础,为有经验的从业者提供了宝贵的参考资料。在Brad Bowling博士上一版的基础上,牛津大学的John Salmon博士对该教科书进行了全面的修订。第9版保留了Kanski博士简洁的文字和视觉动态演示的高效格式,为眼科疾病的诊断和管理提供了权威性的重点指导。这本书条理清晰,内容全面,反映了该领域的最新进展,便于快速理解,以加强学习,帮助考试准备和指导临床实践。作为一本普通的眼科教科书,这是一个黄金标准。

Through eight outstanding editions, Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology has been the classic specialty textbook, providing the perfect ophthalmology foundation for trainees and a valuable reference source for experienced practitioners. Building on the previous edition by Dr. Brad Bowling, Dr. John Salmon from Oxford University has comprehensively revised the textbook. The 9th Edition retains Dr. Kanski's highly effective format of succinct text and visually dynamic presentation, providing authoritative, focused guidance on the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic disorders. Extremely well organized and comprehensive in scope , this visually stunning book reflects the latest advances in the field, facilitating quick comprehension to enhance learning, aid exam preparation and guide clinical practice. As a general ophthalmic textbook, this is the gold standard .

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