
「电子书」重磅更新!Ophthalmology 眼科学 PDF


这本由Myron Yanoff和Jay S. Duker博士编写的获奖书目长期以来一直被认为是眼科的首要文献之一,在这个快速变化的领域中,它仍然是你几乎所有主题的首选参考书。在一本方便的书中,它对你可能遇到的几乎所有眼科疾病和手术都提供了详细的、图文并茂的指导,无论你的经验水平如何,它都是你必备的资源。

Long consideredone of ophthalmology's premier texts, this award-winning title by Drs. Myron Yanoff and Jay S. Duker remains your go-to reference for virtually any topic in this fast-changing field. In a single, convenient volume, it offersdetailed, superbly illustrated guidanceon nearly every ophthalmic condition and procedure you may encounter, making it a must-have resource no matter what your level of experience.Extensive updates throughoutkeep you current with all that's new in every subspecialty area of the field.

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