
「电子书」 Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy), Latin nomenclature 内脏(THIEME解剖学图集),拉丁命名法 英文原版PDF


 Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy), Latin nomenclature  内脏(THIEME解剖学图集),拉丁命名法 英文原版PDF

第二版的特点。标签和解剖学术语采用拉丁文命名法 新的介绍性章节,概述了器官和胚胎发育 覆盖的器官扩大了50%以上,包括更多的临床应用和放射学相关性 创新的、用户友好的格式,每两页的版面都有一个独立的指南。

Features of the Second Edition: Labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclature A new introductory section with overview of organs and embryologic development Coverage of the organs expanded by over 50%, including more clinical applications and radiologic correlations An innovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread presents a self-contained guid. 

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