

随着Early Access(有的出版社用Online First或其他类似表达)的进展,影响因子的计算也相应地会在明年微调,相关政策已经发布,Clarivate官网链接:


What’s next for JCR: defining ‘Early Access'


  • This means that the 2020 JIF numerator will include citations from:

  • Early Access items with an early access year of 2020

  • Early Access items with a final publication year of 2020 and an Early Access year of 2019 or earlier*

  • Non-Early Access items with a final publication year of 2020

* This is a transitional step for the 2021 JCR release (2020 data) only.

2020 JIF denominator

There will be no Early Access contribution to the 2020 JIF denominator; the denominator will only include citable items with a final publication date of 2018 and 2019.

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