
「电子书」Basic Cell Culture Protocols 基本细胞培养协议 PDF


在他们的职业生涯中,几乎每一个科学家和技术人员,以及许多医学专业人员,无论其专业领域如何,都需要利用细胞培养系统。在前几版的基础上,《基础细胞培养规程》第四版为细胞培养新手提供了足够的信息,使他们能够掌握基本技术,确保细胞系的健康和特性,并能够分离和培养专门的原代细胞类型。本书内容丰富,目的在于提供一种有价值的资源,其中包含与当前研究领域相关的明确方法,而不是试图教育细胞培养者关于特定细胞类型或器官系统的知识。本书以高度成功的Methods in Molecular Biology™编写,各章包括各自主题的介绍、必要的材料和试剂清单、逐步的、易于重复的实验方案,以及排除故障和避免已知陷阱的提示。


At some point in their careers, virtually every scientist and technician, as well as many medical professionals, regardless of their area of specialization have a need to utilize cell culture systems. Updating and significantly expanding upon the previous editions, Basic Cell Culture Protocols, Fourth Edition provides the novice cell culturist with sufficient information to perform the basic techniques, to ensure the health and identity of their cell lines, and to be able to isolate and culture specialized primary cell types. The intent of this extensive volume is to generate a valuable resource containing clear methodologies pertinent to current areas of investigation, rather than attempting to educate cell culturists on specific cell types or organ systems. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Comprehensive and up-to-date, Basic Cell Culture Protocols, Fourth Edition compiles the essential techniques needed to approach this vital laboratory activity with full success.

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