
「电子书」Cancer Cell Signaling: Targeting Signaling Pathways Toward Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer 肿瘤细胞信号转导: 肿瘤治疗的靶向信号通路 PDF


细胞信号传导是一个研究细胞如何进行通信以控制基本活动并对其环境做出反应的领域。当专门研究癌细胞时,研究人员可以在细胞水平上更好地理解癌症,这种理解可能对开发新的治疗方法有影响。本卷提供了该领域的概述,以及如何使用各种细胞生物学技术从细胞水平上更好地理解癌症。这本易于查阅的参考书全面介绍了癌细胞信号传导领域。由佛罗里达大西洋大学的研究人员编辑,《癌细胞信号转导》。Targeting Signaling Pathways Towards Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer》是一本权威且易于使用的参考书。

Cell signaling is a field that studies how cells communicate to control basic activities and respond to their environment. When looking specifically at cancer cells, researchers can gain a better understanding of cancer on a cellular level, an understanding that may have implications for developing new treatments. The current volume provides an overview of the field and how various cell biology techniques are used to better understand cancer on a cellular level. This easily accessible reference volume offers a comprehensive look at the field of cancer cell signaling. Edited by a researcher from Florida Atlantic University, Cancer Cell Signaling: Targeting Signaling Pathways Towards Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer is an authoritative and easy-to-use reference.

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