
「电子书」Atlas of General Surgical Techniques 普通外科技术图集 PDF


《普通外科技术图谱》通过近1200张易于理解的解剖图,涵盖了普通外科手术的全部范围和广度。Courtney M. Townsend, Jr.医生和B. Mark Evers医生对常见和复杂的手术进行了逐步指导,包括开放和微创技术。高度一致的方法和超大的格式使得每章末尾都有大篇幅的教育性插图和珍珠及陷阱。本书内容全面,包括甲状腺切除术、甲状旁腺切除术、肝空肠切除术、胆道空肠切除术、脾切除术、疝修补术、颈部外伤探查术、锁骨下动脉刺入术等热门话题。您将在专家咨询网(expertconsult.com)上获得一系列完整的外科手术信息。2009年PROSE奖(由美国出版商协会颁发,以表彰专业和学术上的卓越成就)决赛入围/荣誉提名,临床医学 包括在expertconsult.com上访问可完全搜索的在线文本,以及可下载的图片。设有1200张简单易懂、循序渐进的解剖图,清晰地描述了手术技术的全方位和广度--包括开放和微创。涵盖了诸如甲状腺切除术、甲状旁腺切除术、肝空肠切除术、胆道空肠切除术、脾切除术、疝修补术、外伤颈部探查术、锁骨下动脉刺入术等热门课题。本书以高度一致的格式为每个手术提供了一步步的指导,使技术的应用变得简单。在每章结尾处重点介绍了珍珠和陷阱,让你在进入手术室前就知道会发生什么。介绍权威人士的详细指导,让你对常见的和具有挑战性的手术有所了解。

Atlas of General Surgical Techniques covers the full spectrum and breadth of general surgery through nearly 1200 easy-to-follow anatomic drawings. Drs. Courtney M. Townsend, Jr. and B. Mark Evers present step-by-step guidance for common and complex procedures, including open and minimally invasive techniques. The highly consistent approach and oversized format allow for large educational illustrations with pearls and pitfalls at the end of each chapter. Comprehensive coverage includes hot topics such as Thyroidectomy, Parathyroidectomy, Hepaticojejunostomy, Choledochojejunostomy, Splenectomy,Hernia Repair, Exploration of Neck for Trauma, and Subclavian Artery Stab. You'll have a complete array of surgical procedures at your fingertips-in print and online at expertconsult.com! 2009 PROSE Awards (awarded by Association of American Publishers for professional and scholarly excellence)Finalist/Honorable Mention, Clinical Medicine Includes access to the fully searchable text online at expertconsult.com, along with downloadable images. Features 1200 easy-to-follow, step-by-step anatomic drawings that clearly depict the full spectrum and breadth of surgical techniques-both open and minimally invasive. Covers hot topics such as Thyroidectomy, Parathyroidectomy, Hepaticojejunostomy, Choledochojejunostomy, Splenectomy,Hernia Repair, Exploration of Neck for Trauma, and Subclavian Artery Stab. Provides step-by-step instructions for each procedure in a highly consistent format that makes applying techniques easy. Highlights pearls and pitfalls at the end of each chapter so you know what to expect before entering the operating room. Presents the detailed guidance of authorities on what you need to know about common and challenging procedures.

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