
「电子书」Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 诊断和实验室测试参考书 PDF


获得最新的研究,并轻松获得当今最重要的诊断和实验室测试! Mosby的诊断和实验室测试参考书第14版以其准确性、时效性和清晰易用的格式而著称,其特点是简明的测试条目按字母顺序排列,反映了诊断和实验室测试和研究的最新情况。新版增加了15个检验项目,包括重要信息,如替代或缩写的检验名称、检验解释、正常和异常结果、可能的临界值,以及检验前、检验中和检验后的患者护理指南。另外,所有相关的检验项目在书中都有交叉引用,以简化查找。紧凑的尺寸、耐用的封面和从A到Z的拇指标签使这本市场领先的书成为课堂和工作中日常使用的理想之选!

Get the latest research and easy access to today’s most important diagnostic and lab tests! Known for its accuracy, currency, and clear, easy-to-use format, Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference 14th Edition features concise test entries that are arranged alphabetically and reflect the latest in diagnostic and lab testing and research. This new edition adds 15 tests with vital information such as alternate or abbreviated test names, test explanation, normal and abnormal findings, possible critical values, and guidelines to patient care before, during, and after the test. Plus, all related tests are cross-referenced throughout the book to simplify lookup. A compact size, durable cover, and A-to-Z thumb tabs make this market-leading book ideal for everyday use in the classroom and on the job!

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