
「电子书」Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 莫斯比诊断和实验室试验手册 PDF


编写护理计划,理解和执行测试,以及解释测试结果,通过Mosby的诊断和实验室测试手册,第6版变得更加容易。这本重要的资源提供了超过700种最常用的诊断和实验室测试的清晰、简明的介绍。在学术和临床环境中都很有价值,它因其全彩设计、用户友好的组织和帮助澄清概念的插图而深受喜爱。更新和简化的内容与新的测试,确保你有最相关的信息。新的《最常见疾病的诊断测试》(Diagnostic Testing for the Most Common Diseasessection)突出了医学测试的整合,因为它涉及到顶级疾病或临床综合征。

Writing care plans, understanding and performing tests, and interpreting test results is made easier withMosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 6th Edition. This essential resource provides clear, concise overage of over 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests. Valuable in academic and clinical settings alike, it is beloved for its full-color design, user-friendly organization, and illustrations that help clarify keep concepts. Updated and streamlined content with new tests ensures you have the most relevant information. A newDiagnostic Testing for the Most Common Diseasessection highlights the integration of medical testing as it relates to the top diseases or clinical syndromes.

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