
「电子书」The Metabolic Approach to Cancer 癌症的代谢途径 PDF


自二十世纪初以来,癌症发病率急剧上升--现在几乎影响了50%的美国人口。传统的治疗方法仍然是依靠化疗、手术和放射线来攻击癌细胞。然而,研究一再表明,95%的癌症病例与饮食和生活方式有直接关系。癌症的新陈代谢方法是我们一直在等待的书--它提供了一个创新的、以新陈代谢为重点的营养方案,而且确实有效。自然疗法、综合肿瘤学家和癌症幸存者Nasha Winters博士和营养治疗师Jess Higgins Kelley已经确定了一个人的 "地形 "的十个关键要素(把它想象成我们身体的地形图),这对预防和管理癌症至关重要。地形十要素中的每一个要素--包括表观遗传学、微生物组、免疫系统、毒素暴露和血糖平衡--都被阐明,因为它与癌症过程有关,然后给出了经过大量研究和测试的、无毒和新陈代谢的重点营养处方。

癌症的新陈代谢理论--癌症是由高碳水化合物饮食引起的,而不是 "坏 "的基因--是由诺贝尔奖得主和科学家奥托-沃伯格在1931年提出的。自此以后,它在很大程度上被传统肿瘤学所忽视。但是,由于研究表明,当剥夺癌细胞的主要燃料来源(葡萄糖)时,这一理论正在复苏。生酮饮食--依靠身体产生的酮类作为燃料--是《癌症的新陈代谢方法》的核心。此外,Winters和Kelley还解释了如何利用低血糖植物和动物性食物中丰富的植物营养素的抗癌潜力,以解决癌症的10个标志--这是西医以药物为基础的治疗方法。


Since the beginning of the twentieth century, cancer rates have increased exponentially―now affecting almost 50 percent of the American population. Conventional treatment continues to rely on chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation to attack cancer cells. Yet research has repeatedly shown that 95 percent of cancer cases are directly linked to diet and lifestyle. The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is the book we have been waiting for―it offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that actually works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley have identified the ten key elements of a person’s “terrain” (think of it as a topographical map of our body) that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer. Each of the terrain ten elements―including epigenetics, the microbiome, the immune system, toxin exposures, and blood sugar balance―is illuminated as it relates to the cancer process, then given a heavily researched and tested, non-toxic and metabolic, focused nutrition prescription.

The metabolic theory of cancer―that cancer is fueled by high carbohydrate diets, not “bad” genetics―was introduced by Nobel Prize-laureate and scientist Otto Warburg in 1931. It has been largely disregarded by conventional oncology ever since. But this theory is resurging as a result of research showing incredible clinical outcomes when cancer cells are deprived of their primary fuel source (glucose). The ketogenic diet―which relies on the body’s production of ketones as fuel―is the centerpiece of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Further, Winters and Kelley explain how to harness the anticancer potential of phytonutrients abundant in low-glycemic plant and animal foods to address the 10 hallmarks of cancer―an approach Western medicine does with drug based therapies.

Their optimized, genetically-tuned diet shuns grains, legumes, sugar, genetically modified foods, pesticides, and synthetic ingredients while emphasizing whole, wild, local, organic, fermented, heirloom, and low-glycemic foods and herbs. Other components of their approach include harm-reductive herbal therapies like mistletoe (considered the original immunotherapy and common in European cancer care centers) and cannabinoids (which shrink tumors and increase quality of life, yet are illegal in more than half of the United States). Through addressing the ten root causes of cancer and approaching the disease from a nutrition-focused standpoint, we can slow cancer’s endemic spread and live optimized lives.

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