
「电子书」Principles of stem cell biology and cancer : future applications and therapeutics 干细胞生物学原理与癌症: 未来应用与治疗 PDF


干细胞生物学原理与癌症。英国诺丁汉特伦特大学John van Geest癌症研究中心Tarik Regad、美国国家癌症研究所癌症研究中心Thomas J. Sayers和英国诺丁汉特伦特大学John van Geest癌症研究中心Robert Rees 癌症干细胞领域正在迅速扩大,许多团体都专注于分离和鉴定癌症干细胞群。虽然在开发高效癌症疗法方面取得了一些进展,但靶向癌症干细胞仍然是不断发展的干细胞研究界面临的重要挑战之一。干细胞生物学与癌症原理》汇集了该领域国际专家的原创性贡献,介绍了干细胞生物学与癌症之间的最新信息。本书分为两部分,首先详细介绍了干细胞生物学,重点介绍了这些细胞的特性、鉴定进展,以及干细胞的未来治疗应用。第二部分主要介绍癌症干细胞及其在癌症发展、进展和化疗抗性中的作用。本书的这一部分包括了有关针对癌症干细胞的治疗的最新进展概述。本书的特点是 权威介绍干细胞生物学与癌症之间的联系。包括该领域领先的国际专家的贡献。全书图文并茂,并配有全彩数字。这本书将被证明是基础和应用研究人员和临床医生开发新的癌症治疗和疗法的宝贵资源,提供了一个及时出版的高质量评论,概述了干细胞研究的当前进展和令人兴奋的未来可能性。

Principles of Stem Cell Biology and Cancer: Future Applications and Therapeutics Tarik Regad, The John van Geest Cancer Research Centre, Nottingham Trent University, UK, Thomas J. Sayers, Centre for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA and Robert Rees The John van Geest Cancer Research Centre, Nottingham Trent University, UK The field of cancer stem cells is expanding rapidly, with many groups focusing on isolating and identifying cancer stem cell populations. Although some progress has been made developing efficient cancer therapies, targeting cancer stem cells remains one of the important challenges facing the growing stem cell research community. Principles of Stem Cell Biology and Cancer brings together original contributions from international experts in the field to present the very latest information linking stem cell biology and cancer. Divided into two parts, the book begins with a detailed introduction to stem cell biology with a focus on the characterization of these cells, progress that has been made in their identification, as well as future therapeutic applications of stem cells. The second part focuses on cancer stem cells and their role in cancer development, progression and chemo-resistance. This section of the book includes an overview of recent progress concerning therapies targeting cancer stem cells. Features: An authoritative introduction to the link between stem cell biology and cancer. Includes contributions from leading international experts in the field. Well-illustrated with full colour figures throughout. This book will prove an invaluable resource for basic and applied researchers and clinicians working on the development of new cancer treatments and therapies, providing a timely publication of high quality reviews outlining the current progress and exciting future possibilities for stem cell research

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